
Regulatory Guide

The Atlas Wealth Group (AWG) is widely recognised as a specialist in the provision of tax, financial and mortgage advice to the Australian expatriate community. 

With clients in over 50 countries we have built an enviable reputation in this field which is supported by an extensive library of knowledge and experience when it comes to cross and multi-jurisdictional financial advice.

Atlas Wealth Group (AWG), ABN 66 673 690 929, is a privately-owned company that holds its own Australian Financial Services License (AFSL 557 000) and is regulated by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC).

AWG holds professional indemnity insurance that satisfies the requirements of Section 912B of the Corporations Act.

As so far as the delivery of the financial advice to Australian expats this is done through Atlas Wealth Management which comprises of two companies:

  • Atlas Wealth Management Pty Ltd (AWM AUST) ABN 98 152 187 098, is a privately-owned advisory company that is a Corporate Authorised Representative of the Atlas Wealth Group (AFSL 557 000).

AWM AUST is not affiliated with any public or non-public corporation.

  • Atlas Wealth Management (DIFC) Limited (AWM DIFC), trading as Atlas Wealth Management, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Atlas Wealth Management Pty Ltd and is a Corporate Authorised Representative of the Atlas Wealth Group (AFSL 557 000).

AWM DIFC is registered with the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), licence no. 3354, and is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA).

The registered office is Office 704, Level 7, Tower 2, Al Fattan Currency House, Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai, 507298, United Arab Emirates.

In respect of those activities AWM DIFC performs in or from the DIFC, the law applicable to these activities is that of the DIFC.

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