A relocation offshore can be an exciting time for an Australian expat but with a tax landscape that is becoming more complicated every day how do you navigate this and make the most of your time overseas?
When you move overseas as well as finding a new adventure and improving your career prospects, you want to have something to show for your time away. It’s all well and good to have amazing stories and a great resume but to also have an improved bank balance adds to the advantage of becoming an Australian expat.
The Australian expat investment guide is designed to educate you about the pro’s and con’s of managing your investments whilst overseas, what you need to consider and what you need to look out for.

In the Australian Expat Investment Guide we cover off on the following topics and many more:
- What Are The Benefits of Investing in Australia as a Australian expat? – Is there a benefit to Australia expats investing back in Australia as opposed to investing overseas?
- What Are The Taxation Issues For An Australian Expat? – What taxation issues does an Australian expat need to consider when investing back in Australia?
- Should An Australian Expat Consider Offshore Investment Alternatives? – When you move overseas you will have a number of alternative investments offered to you. Do these suit Australian expats?
- Property vs Shares – The age old debate of property versus shares continues when you move overseas but how do the different tax rules affect your choice?