
A Second Opinion for Australian Expats

Unfortunately a lot of Australian expats don’t seek specialist financial advice when they live overseas and decide that the “She’ll be right” approach to money management is the best option for them.

You maybe part of the minority and chose to obtain financial advice but how good is that advice? 

Does it truly address your needs and deliver what we call “Two dimensional advice”?

Two dimensional advice is financial advice that not only addresses your assets and citizenship in Australia but also how that interplays with your residency in a foreign country.

She'll be right isn't a money management strategy, its putting your head in the sand hoping for a good result

What is Our Second Opinion Service?


You may have already sought advice from either a licensed professional who you worked with when you were living in Australia or engaged someone back in Australia whilst living overseas however your gut maybe telling you that some of the things that they are telling you just doesn’t stack up.

These professionals, the majority of the time, provide very good services to Australian residents but when it comes to providing specialised advice to Australian expats as they aren’t operating in the space 24/7 they may not be aware of all of the options that are available to you.

That is one of the reasons why we offer Australian expats a second opinion service.

This service allows you to speak to a specialist expat financial planner where you can explain your situation, the advice that you have received, and to see if you are maximising all of the opportunities available to you.

Its only 25 minutes of your time but in one of these calls you will work out very quickly whether you are on the right path to financial freedom or if more can be done to ensure you are making the most of your time overseas.

Click on the Contact Us button below to book in a second opinion.

Want To Learn More About Atlas?


Atlas Wealth Management, which is part of the Atlas Wealth Group, is the leading provider of Australian expat financial advice.

With clients in over 38 countries we are the only Australian financial services firm that specialises in providing Australian expat financial planning, tax and wealth management services to Australian expats.

If you would like to know more, please click below to contact us.

General Advice Disclaimer

The information provided on this website has been provided as general advice only. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives and you should seek the assistance of your Atlas Wealth Management Authorised Representative before you make any decision regarding any products mentioned in this communication. Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Atlas Wealth Management nor its related entities, employees or agents shall be liable on any ground whatsoever with respect to decisions or actions taken as a result of you acting upon such information.

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