Sign up to download the Australian Expat RELOCATION Guide DUBAI EDITION
Home to almost 16,000 Australian expats, the United Arab Emirates has become a popular destination for Australian expats, with the majority living in the key cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
With many Australian expats living in the emirate of Dubai, and more arriving every week, we have written this guide to make the relocation as smooth as possible.
The Australian Expat Relocation Guide Dubai Edition is designed to educate and inform Australian expats on what it is like to live in Dubai and what you need to know when considering making this amazing city your home.

In the Australian Expat Relocation Guide Dubai Edition we cover off on the following topics and many more:
- Where do expats, including Australian live?
- What is the process of renting a property in Dubai?
- Where do Australian expats shop in Dubai?
- What are the rules of Dubai and how strict are they?
- What is the medical system like in Dubai?
- How do expats get around Dubai and what are my options?
- Can I work in Dubai and how does the visa system work?
- What are schools like in Dubai and are there any Australian schools?
- And many more topics like taxes, banking, safety and leisure activities