Sign Up To Download The 2018 Australian Expats Insights Report
The 2018 Expat Insights Survey is one of the largest surveys ever conducted with Australian expats. 1,774 Australian expats from 65 countries participated in the 2018 Atlas Wealth Management Expat Insights Survey.
The survey is a study designed to learn more about the Australian diaspora – the who, what and where of the Australian expat community.
Every year more than 300,000 Australian residents move overseas for a period of greater than 12 months, joining their fellow Australians abroad in what can be easily argued as our greatest export.
The purpose of the survey was to provide on the ground intelligence for those Australian expats either looking to relocate to a specific country or for someone living in Australia looking to join the expat ranks overseas.
Every day Atlas Wealth Management meets people who are either about to start their expat journey overseas or are looking to relocate to another country and one of the most common questions asked is “what is that country like for an Australian expat?”
By collating the responses from Australian expats in over 65 countries we are able to provide concise responses to this question and many more.
With Australian expats being better informed, not only may this improve the chances of a successful relocation but it may also assist when managing the family life.
In the Expat Insights survey, 58% of Australian expats said that they were married and 35% of respondents are responsible for one or more children under the age of 17. Anytime a relocation occurs often there is more than one person to consider.
Ask others for advice – what they wished they’d known before they made the leap. There were things I didn’t know that I didn’t know, so didn’t think to ask or research.
- Sam, Australian Expat in Hong Kong