When you are looking to move overseas or even make the most of the financial opportunities whilst abroad, Australian expat tax advice is always a key consideration in the advice process.
As the Australian tax laws change frequently this is an important consideration for expats and we always ensure that our clients receive the most up to date information.

Australian Expat Tax Advice
Atlas Tax is registered with the Australian Tax Practitioners Board as a registered tax agent.
This provides our clients with peace of mind as more often than not tax is a key consideration in any financial decision when you become an Australian expat.
Broadly, Australian tax residents are taxed on worldwide income, whereas non-residents will generally only be taxed on Australian sourced income (e.g. rent from an Australian investment property). It is therefore essential tax residency status is known so as to understand applicable Australian tax obligations.
The residency principles are under constant scrutiny with the landscape changing rapidly. The team at Atlas Tax ensure their clients understand these changes and how they may impact them.
What is a tax agent and how does this relate to Australian expat tax advice?
As a registered Tax Agent we are able to offer the following services:
- Australian tax return preparation and lodgement
- Australian tax advice
- Private Binding Ruling applications
- Liaison with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) regarding clients’ tax affairs

Services we provide
Over a meeting we will discuss and determine your Australian tax residency and how this will impact your ongoing (or historical) Australian tax implications. We will consider your employment arrangements and associated income, as well any investments you hold such as shares, managed funds or rental properties. We will then provide you with a written summary of the meeting for your reference.
This can be a great assistance if your residency position is uncertain, you are unaware of your continuing tax obligations after departing Australia, if your employer needs confirmation of your residency position for appropriate payroll treatment, or to substantiate to the ATO at a later point what your original intention was on departure.
We specialise in tax preparation and lodgement of Australian tax returns for expats coming in or out of Australia. Whilst many Australian tax agents focus on Australian resident returns, we understand all the nuances associated with expats such as:
- Australian tax residents, non-residents and temporary residents
- Source of income
- Double tax agreements
- Tax equalisation/tax protection
- Withholding tax
- Foreign income tax offset
- HECS/HELP Obligations
- Review employment contracts and advise implications
- Calculate tax position pre and post departure
- Identify risks or opportunities for tax efficiencies
- Calculation of capital gains tax payable, applying the main residence exemption and capital gains tax discount applicable
- Capital gains withholding clearance certificate applications
- Foreign resident capital gains withholding rate variation applications
- Tax advice on relocating employees around the world
- Payroll advice
- Assignment structuring to maximise tax efficiences
- Employment tax advice
- Assistance and advice regarding ATO Audits or disputes.
- Minimising penalties and interest.
- Advice and/or caclulations on anticipated sale of property, shares or other investments
- Tax modelling potenital investment scenarios
- General expat tax advice
Australian Expat Tax News
General Advice Disclaimer
The information provided on this website has been provided as general advice only. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives and you should seek the assistance of your Atlas Wealth Management Authorised Representative before you make any decision regarding any products mentioned in this communication. Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Atlas Wealth Management nor its related entities, employees or agents shall be liable on any ground whatsoever with respect to decisions or actions taken as a result of you acting upon such information.