We are the global advisers to Australian expats.
The Atlas Wealth Group is the leading provider of Australian expat tax, financial advice and mortgage services who has won multiple awards for the services that we provide to Australian expats overseas.
We understand that Australian expats move around a lot which is why our tax, financial planning and mortgage advice is tailored to incorporate the flexibility of dealing with multiple jurisdictions.
No matter where you are based in the world, we have the experience in providing tax advice, financial planning and mortgage services to the Aussie expat community.
With clients in over 50 countries it doesn’t matter whether you are based in New York, Hong Kong, Dubai or London, we have the skills and expertise in ensuring that the advice that you receive is tailored to you.
A message from our directors

The Atlas Wealth Group was established as we understand the difficulties that Australian expats experience when trying to obtain tailored tax and financial advice that is specific to their needs when they are living and working overseas.
As our name suggests we are globally focused and delivering expat advice to Australian expats is our speciality. Its not something we do from time to time.
We offer award winning financial advice to the Australian expat community offshore and it is a service that we provide every day to clients located in over 50 countries.
By drawing upon our extensive knowledge we are able to provide our clients the best of both worlds – individually tailored advice that takes into account not only their Australian citizenship but also their jurisdiction of residence.
We invite you to contact Atlas Wealth Group to further explore the world of opportunities that are available to you.
Our specialty is in providing Aussie expat financial planning, mortgage and tax advice. All of our financial advisers are degree qualified with numerous post graduate certifications. We are the global advisers to Australian expats.
The Atlas Wealth Group was born out of the demand from Australian expats who want professionals they could trust to help them navigate the complexities of managing their tax, assets and financial circumstances whilst they went overseas .
We understand that your requirements are more sophisticated than that of an average investor which is why we focus on being the leading provider of Australian expat tax and financial planning services to Australian expats.
This is a service that we provide on a daily basis, to Australian expats just like you.
There are a lot of peripheral issues that need to be dealt with when you live overseas and that is the reason why you need to deal with someone who not only understands your situation but has the experience in providing advice to investors who are in the same situation.